this pic looks good because the hair dresser just cut it and it was blown in a stylish manner.
nth day: Looking at the 2nd photo, you can see the vast difference...
Though I like the colour, I have received two feedbacks that when I am dressed in certain manner, i look like a typical "Ah Lian".. what a comment...
But again, that also meant that if I am not dressed in that certain manner, I should look like what i think I want to look..... haha... guess what i want to look?
Come again, look does not matters that much... hack it...
Anyway, mjfl just joined a beach volleyball class for fun.. and guess what are my friends first comment?
YH, CY and shawn: You are going to be real dark.
Thinking about that, I was pretty excited! dreaming to be a sporty babe...
But guess what? The session is from 7pm to 10pm... how disappointing... (**)
There goes my dream of beming a sporty babe...
Anyway, i also wanted to join cheerleading for fun... But when I walked past its booth for 2 days. The experience turned me off.
On day 1, the girls were trying to recruit guys only (from what i saw only)... I walked past their booth really looking interested...Or probably I didn't look keen enough... and oh man.. totally ignored...
On day 2, the people there do not seem to be friendly.. They just stood there, not approaching anyone.. not really eager to recruit people... probably they think that people will join only if they are interested.. No real need to recruit.. but i was interested, shouldn't they just explain to me what cheerleading is all about?
anyway, probably I don't look like a freshie...I am in Year 4 btw.. hehe...
what should I join???.... any suggestions???
I am still quite free... no deadlines to meet yet...
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