Saturday, April 01, 2006


oh no......
i am getting so super mean and demanding these days.....
yesterday my baby thought that my toes being black wasn't a big issue and i thought it was.. as it ha been ther for months le......
felt so upset that he didn;t care and made that statement, " things that are close to my hear are not close to yours...'
So petty and sentitive hor.. though he did mentioned that he will go and see s doctor with me if i am gg... aiya.. dunno whats happening to me these days! I am so demanding..... a small issue like this can makes me so upset... something not right.. is mj not stresse? or is she suffering a mental breakdown? alright... but yup.. at least mj realises that she is being very demanding somehow for being so highly super sensitive...

but guess what he did the next day...
he went library to check out on books on black toes and stomach sounds.....
so sweet.............
i am so so touched....
so ashamedof myself......
i love him....

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