Tuesday, May 22, 2007

so much thanks to all my loved ones.... =)

another one week and it will be my 21st BIRthday!!
yesterday one of my friends told me that she took half day off to attend my big day and asked if she can help... so touched! really.. appreciated the efforts.. Then some of my friends also asked if they can help.. really didn't expect to have such nicey friends around... thought i will have to do this with my darling and myself.. =) really contented to have such friends.... OF COZ! not forgetting my beloved darling, who searched for caterers, cakes, lobangs here and there for me... I think he is more worried than me..haha.. although he always says that a birthday celebration is very troublesome, he still goes the extra mile to search here and there for me..reminding me to call up and stuff... hehez.. I NEVER take it for granted my love. I see and i FEEL and i APPRECIATE! =) Love you...
JUST dyed my hair today! 88 bucks! two colours, base is dark brown and highlight is RED!!! looks weird... if you are excited to see my new hair! COME TO mY BIRTHDAY on 30th May! hahaha...

Our 1st couple jersey! =)

Thursday, May 17, 2007


First and foremost, i guess those that are close to me knows that i did not want to invite a previous classmate of mine. BUt due to some reasons, i have to. I kindly msged her guess what was her reply?

"I am sorry, i have something IMPORTAnt that day."

Hey that was the worse reply i have ever seen. What the *!!!Although i foresee that she would not be coming, but how can she said so super directly that my birthday is NOT important.. gosh... REGRETted msging her. Call me petty or what.. NOt going to invite her for my weddding. Definitely not! BOO!
darling, remind me k?

Thanks for everyone that has make it a point to reply tactfully! Although i know my birthday is not impt to you guys, but you, YES you! still makes it a point to be polite.THANKS! *APPRECIATED*hahha.. =)

heart for the hammies

I think all of you guys know that my house is FLOODed with HAmmies! Recently my hammie 2

gave birth to 3 white little adorable babies again.. and now is the time to give them away again..

I went to a bird shop at Je today as the uncle told me then that he wanted hammies.I brought

them there happily but did not sell or trade them for food. Instead i took them home.

WHY? Why Why??

Though my house is flooded with hammies i want the best adoption home for them. When i reached

there, i had second thoughts. The conditions of the hammies staying were unbearable. I saw one

small cage with 8 hamsters staying inside. Another one with apples that had flying ants!!!!gosh..

I really can't do it. I apologised to the uncle and took them home. Some may think i am stupid or

silly.. But i can't help it as much as I wanted to lessen my load. I can't bear to leave them in the

lurch. If i can afford, i want to buy the rest of the hamsters and give them better homes. If u

happen to pass by that shop, kindly look at the pathetic hammies and buy them k.. GIve them

Better HOMEs!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

MOOmoo and BOOboo

hE WAS trapped in the bottle by me..

Instead of thinking how to GET out?

He started munching all the sunflower Seeds..

Wrong move by me.....

Is it DEAD?






Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's DAy to all!

In case you think that i have 2 mums... thats NOT TRue!!
one is for darling's mum and another one is my mummy...
I brought my mum to shopping on Thursday.. We shopped and shopped and she saw a pair of sports Shoes! cost about $80... quite ex.. but yup.. only mum.. so i bought her that... =)
It seems so materialistic.. so i got FLOWERS! With these flowers, i wished my mum good health, happiness and Youth at heart.... =) We sang her a mother's song on Sunday morning.. blew a cake.. and yummy was the word to describe the cake! It was bought by my younger bro.. Felt quite apprehensive when he told me about the cake.. IT was WAS WHEatGRASS with ALOE VEra from Crystal Jake Bakery.. sounds EEK..Y right? BUt its W/o Cholestrol and yummY!!
And for my darling's mum, not my mum.. feels weird to be around at the celebration.. But since she invited me... and she always treats me like her own daughter. I went. ('',) Had a FULL Steamboat Buffet dinner.!! DELIcIOus! But the funny thing is that after the buffet, his dad suggested dessert immediately... Gosh.. isn't he Full?? alright..Must give some face..I ate smiling on my face. However while eating the dessert, i was so afraid that he would suggest hmm.. supper ?? mY stomach was literally Bloating already..haha... hehez.. but the dessert shop was good.. "Ah Chew Dessert" at BUgis. Can try it out if you have the time! really good. =) the plus points are that desserts are served in traditional bowls and at reasonable prices.
There goes the important mother's day.. Some says its just another commercialise EVent.. we should treat our mum as thought everyday is Mother's day..However, i beg to differ, without an occassion to celebrate, wouldn;t life be too mundane. At least for the mothers, they look forward to this day where they know ITS THEIR DAY.