For all who dont noe it yet...haha...
the day is finalli off work...
kudos to the greens..they were what i wore for wat seems years...
life in green is not easy..i enjoyed..but i dun wana be in it...
ask anyone in it and im sure no one enjoys it..job or duty..its time to keep them...
feeling realii awesome...
felt a bit sad..saw a few friends one last time..caleb..kok chun..ricky...
some people i trust...while the rest..oh well...
wat a long journey it has been..something i realli must pen down...
honey..i love u..thanks for being with me..not awhile..but all the way...
n my family..for all the background help n surpport...
the journey all began in basic school...
the day was was a tough day...
they say some people change..i agree..for the better...
so i went into Bronco..aka bravo..7 core values...
all the fieldcraft..field camp..5 to 10 days...
all the ippt..soc..bcct..n the route march...
days were tough..enriching..i made it thru..left a lot of true friends... so many..we had fun...i grew....
then the march the graduation..the pride...
i saw some tears in my mom..some light in my dad.. and i look around..i always do...
i saw her..waiting with the flowers..shes too....
the ground was filled with joy, with sweat, with tears...
i left heavy hearted and moved in..1 down...more to go...
oh well, ithought sispec here i come..then it was OCS...
i was happy then sad..9 torrid months..erm..not too bad but definately character moulding... not saying officers are juz saying most have the will at least...
i dare say im not great..but it was a major character building ground...
lets see..i gain lots of courage..lots of will power..lots of self confidence...
it was totalli different there..its like hostel everything...
but life is tiring..realli tiring..test after after pt...
i clocked my gold there..i did my 850 soc there..guess wat..both were my 2nd attempts...
im not gd..but whne everyone is there..u will be there too..somehow...
fieldcamps were the lowest moments of my life...
cant forget the casavac around safti and sdc!..hey it was full estab..i felt weak..
but WE DIDNT GIVE UP..we were special and we did it...
more was to come..petrols up and down...realli tired legs..realli saw day and night...
then it was chickenpox section fieldcamp...i was so hot..i concust..1st time in my life...
i needed help..i saw darkness...but we still went on..still remember doing charges after charges...
the knoll was like 45 aint funni with fbo..then the fastmarch..till now..shin still hurts...
then it was spade..dig day night day..that was all i remember...i was too tired to remember...
at 315am..i asked myself.." what the f%$# am i digging for?"...
i then remembered..not to give myself a life...but to give others a chance of surviving...
isit an honor to dig for the country? being logical,nope. being loyal,yap.
then it was graduation march..8pm till 6am...through the sleepy hrs...
they gave us ample rest..but there was the was so strong...WE walked through..
night..midnight..wee hrs..a little light..finalli the was a 26k walk at area A...
it was 118am..we walked closest to malaysia waters..along the boatshed road to area D..
my back eye lids closed..then open..there was was time to zz...
then i looked at the causeway.."thats what im here for..i told myself..i cant let singapore down.."
it was a long was a long time..then we got the 3 bar..went back to camp...
the juniors were there..they cheered..we sang...till the end..WE walked together...we did it...
at the start there was the end 24...alex got back problems..a few had other problems...
a few could not withstand it..a few went to mug for their scholarship...
some peeps who were there..jinghao..joel..tok..albert..tim..cao qing..etc...
we left..for our final path..real training... i berets.."once armour.always armour"..this will always be true...
its the punch of the army i always believe..the ones who turn the odds...
it was here i became a true soldier..lots of bad things happen..most faults lies with me...
but thank to a devil turn kind soul maj wilmot..i had a chance to live my passion... was pride i got to say..all the servicing..all the drills..all the punishment...
imagine going out at 4am..service till 7am mount for excercise till 11pm..service till 1am...
no thats not it...sleep/duty till 4am next day for a routine of 4days...
i was realli guns for 1 night and 1 day? what kept me going? PRIDE.
next was the outback..1 full month..god i miss her..i almost felt so far from her after the month..
but training in sucha beautiful country is something i will always remeber...
the vast land..the aussie sunrise..the kangaroo..the speed across plains...
it was there..i felt like a true made me stronger..the world is so so big...
We made it again..bernd..zhanghao..eugene..pete..benji..fax..dan..tims..guan yong..etc...
outback was commisioning..finalli an officer...i saw my parents again..
again i saw some tears in mom..pride in my dad..and in her..i saw happiness...
i made it...
and then i went used to be for elites..oh was fun...
motor bike..recee..ccac..being a sort of pc led me to a balance life...
and i thank god for all the chance he gave me to be with my love ones...
i realli trasure them..i realli do...
more excercises and trainings..runs and battle plannings...
this is really what the force is abt..but theres juz too much politics...
way to much...
during my stay..i got to say i made friends..notably..caleb..kc..francis..lim de..zhengda..etc...
now its over..honestly its tough to accept..but tougher not to be glad...
pink ic is comming hm...
another phase of not thinking abt temp...
im thinking abt school..abt being a scholar..being a teacher..having a family and being a father...
god willing..i will make it...
with her..with my fam..with my friends..and with god.