its been nearly a month since i 've written a decent blog..n this was wat that happened to me..
4wks ago..prepared n set off for ex lancer in was a 10 day survival course includin climbin fbo..honestly for commandos n infantry peeps..pls pls take care..this will push u beyong ur was an sia flight..but e feelin was wierd..coz e whole plane was full of need for passport too..reached brunei airport at 4am..its realli borin ther...honestly..theres like 2 hotels n 1 mega shopin is real simple..tok a bus then ferry..saw was honestly beautiful..coz the backin was waters n forests...reach terrembong camp..
survival thru skill..its a really old camp..long beach house n old cookhouse..
amazingly i got to use the well known metal was hectic..we learned navi..knots..survival fruits..not forgetin tokat ali..the perm staff were grea peeps..but soa was stict..its realli swift n decisive...
finalli after notin wat to eat..ex lancer begin..had to walk climb walk in full battle weight at least 20kg n i was e signaller..25kg?..its super tirin but luckily my grp was fast n we had rest..
its real cold up the mountains..sleepin in hammock was a gd experinece..nor forgetin almost catchin the up biang in down in 5-6hrs..can u imagine walkin or glidin from sliperry boulders for 5-6hrs...fell 10 times..didnt feel gd but gotto sae my grp realli kept me the end..did combat swim..or mud bath..n got back to camp in 3 instead of 4 days..
chiong ar..hit the food..cateen stuff..2 plates of rice n 1 burger...impresive?haha..juz tryin to put back lost weight..honestlty for infantry peeps pls bring sulphur n gotex n insect repel..pls..
thers realli ants n snakes..honestly...washed up..took us 2 days n went for r and r.
went to water village..200 football fields housin 20% brunei is gross but simple...went to the meusuem..or gold palace n not forgetin the theme park..can u imagine its oni open for us...
187 cadets reli had fun..all the cocksrew n etc..went back the nxt day...cant believe i finalli reach hm...10 days of torture...
went to take a tankie test..didnt got it..but yup..make the best izzent it?bookin in soa next day..
soa is a realli stict fast pace taxin...nothing less..amour has what? "pride" ask every amour personnel and they tell u that..we r the frontline that will punch thur enemy attacks..
learnt a whole lot of guns..test after test..
40..50..apfsds..cupola..bushmaster..the apc is ultra...its kinda intrestin..coz we learn a lot of new things...but armour has a bad habit...kickin ocs cadets off..sad? juz means i go to train doubly hard...
nxt week...will be drivin..i need to clock milege day n realli...
can u imagine never eatin lunch or dinner without sand,mud, grease and oil on ur hands?
believe it.
god pls take care of my dear n my parents ?