Sunday, September 19, 2004

Friday, September 10, 2004

oh my..i created a mass

yupz..didnt start off the day well...yes it spilled over from last nite..hurts qutie a bit..but hurts my dear even more..i love her so so much..i mean i realli can give up a lot for her..tats why for me love is selfish..but yah..created a mass of things..shld have known better..shld not have was an answer i dreaded and an answer i got..i juz wana be more of her..i juz wan her to have more of that demanding?maybe it realli is..hope that time can cure the pain and change her views..maybe my vews too..juz hope that im most impt..haiz..argh..why muz things turn out like this..why cant she realli forever be there for me?Is there an answer out there...
i need to me.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

a surprised evening into a lOVING night...... =)

yesterday was darling's best friend's birthday.... so yup! he went with him, and i went to maybaline's baptism.... so hAPPY for her... but misses my darling... never thought that i can go out with him later in the evening... hahazz... so we went to jurong point... HAppY! Like a dream come through... then we went to walk walk and walk... saw my darling's new pair of shOEs! AS COOL AS A CUCUMBER! hahaz..
but really nice.. artistic.. with the "90"... ya... we went to play ARCADE basketball!... dear deaar! we achieved 42 points together!!!!! and we exchanged for a scotchtape and a pencil lead... hahahz! so memorable! =) then yup... we went to eat... and yes! got 'cheated" by lADies remember? hahazz..pretty lady can't be trusted! but i am "EXCEPTION"!!!!! HEHEZZ... Then yup.. got to go home le.. coz getting late... we bid goodbye and ya... starting to miss you again... =)